HATS Collaborations
Atmospheric Environment Reseach (AER), Cambridge, MA
- Intercomparisons of observed high altitude tracer fields with 2-D photochemical models (Ko and Wiesenstein).
- Co-convenors (Sze and Ko), Organizing Committee (w/ Butler and Montzka), 1998 Methyl Bromide State of the Science Meeting
- Co-author (w/Elkins), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment of Stratospheric Ozone (Ko)
- Contacts: Drs. Dak Sze, Malcolm Ko, and Debra Wiesenstein
- Joint Publications: Wamsley et al., [1997]
Atmospheric Environment Service (AES)-Canada
- Flask measurements of nitrous oxide, SF6, CFC-11, CFC-12, and selected halocarbons since 1989.
- Contacts: Dr. Maris Lusis and Mr. Doug Worthy
Bowdin College, Maine
- Measurement of trace gases in firn air.
- Modeling of trace gases in firn air.
- Contact: Prof. Mark Battle
- Publications: Battle et al., [1996], Butler et al., [1999]
Bureau of Meteorology-Australia
- Flask sampling since 1991 at Cape Grim Observatory, Tasmania (with CSIRO)
- Contacts: Mr. Lawrence Porter
- Joint publications: Butler et al., [1994]; Montzka et al., [1994]
California Institute of Technology
- Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data
- Co-chair and organizing committee (Sander and Yung w/Butler), 1998 Methyl Bromide State of the Science Meeting
- Cycling of nitrous oxide (Yung)
- Methyl halide sinks and sources at the Earth's surface
- Contacts: Profs. Yuk Ling Yung, Stanley Sander, and Paul Wennberg
- Joint Publications: L. Jaeglé et al., [1997]; Chang et al., [1996a, 1996b]
Cambridge University, UK
- Chapter Co-Author, 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessement on Ozone Depletion
- Airborne gas chromatographs.
- Contacts: Prof. John Pyle, Prof. Neil Harris, and Dr. David Lary
Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organization (CSIRO)-Australia
- Flask sampling since 1991 at Cape Grim Observatory, Tasmania (with the Bureau of Meteorology)
- Co-authors (with Montzka and Butler), WMO 2002, Chapter 1
- Co-authors (with Elkins, Montzka, and Butler), WMO 1998 Report on the Scientific Assessment of Stratospheric Ozone, Chapter 1 and 2
- Operation of ACATS during STRAT and ASHOE/MAESA
- Transport and chemistry in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
- Contacts: Drs. Paul Fraser and L. Paul Steele
- Joint Publications: Wamsley et al., [1997]; Elkins et al., [1996]
DuPont Company, Delaware
- Emissions of Montreal Protocol compounds
- Contacts: Dr. Don Fisher and Mack McFarland
- Joint Publications: Elkins et al., [1993]
Forschungsbereich Marine Biogeochemie, Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany
- Oceanic CCl4 research.
- Contact: Dr. Douglas Wallace
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (KFA), Institut fuer Atmosphaerische Chemie, Jülich, Germany
- Intercomparison of trace gas measurements in the atmosphere.
- Contacts: Dr. Ralph Koppmann
Georgia Institute of Technology
- Chapter co-author (w/ Elkins), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 1
- Members of AGAGE team and working on intercomparison of data with CMDL
- Contacts: Prof. Derek Cunnold and Prof. Ray Wang
Harvard University
- In situ measurements of tracers at Harvard Forest since 1995. Co-P.I. (McElroy and Elkins) of DOE NIGEC research.
- Chemistry and distribution of atmospheric N2O (McElroy and Wofsy)
- Chemistry and transport in the stratosphere using airborne and ground-based data.
- Total hydrogen budget in the stratosphere (with Anderson).
- Total chlorine and bromine budgets in the stratosphere.
- Modeling of CMDL background data (Spivakovsky)
- Methyl iodide as a tracer of marine convection (Jacob).
- Contacts: Professors Steven C. Wofsy, James Anderson, Daniel Jacob, and Michael B. McElroy, and Dr. Clarissa Spivakovsky.
- Joint publications: Hinsta et al., [1997]; Kohn et al., [1997]; Wamsley et al., [1997]; Woodbridge et al., [1995]; Wofsy et al., [1994], Hurst et al., [1999], Spivakovsky et al., [2000], Montzka et al., [2000], Bell et al., [2002]
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow
- TROICA experiment
- Contacts: Drs. Nikolai Elansky, Igor Granberg, and George Golitsyn.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory; California Institute of Technology
- Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data.
- Contacts: Drs. Ross J. Salawitch, Chris Webster, Bob Herman, and James J. Margitan.
- Joint publications: Wamsley et al; [1997]; Volk et al., [1996]; Chang et al., [1996a,b], Woodbridge et al., [1995]; Salawitch et al., [1994a,b; 1993]; Webster et al., [1993], Hurst et al., [2000]
John Hopkins University
- Stratospheric transport using airborne and tropospheric data. Age of air mass determinations.
- Contacts: Prof. Darryn Waugh
- Joint publications: Waugh et al., [1997a,b; 1994]
Laboratory of Ecogeochemistry and Geochemistry of Rare Earths (LEGRE Lab 775), The United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Russan Academy of Science
- Use of halocarbon data to examine transport of pollutants from Russia and China.
- Contacts: Dr. F.Sukhorukov, Dr. E.Malikov.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Co-convenor (Prinn w/Elkins), Workshop on Source Gases for Ozone Depletion in Boulder CO, (jointly hosted by AGAGE-MIT/NOAA-CMDL/NASA-UARP) on May 14-16, 1997.
- Modeling of stratospheric transport using airborne tracer data [Plumb]
- Contacts: Prof. Ron Prinn and Alan Plumb
- Joint publications: Waugh et al., [1997, 1994]
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany
- TROICA experiment.
- Contact: Drs. Paul Crutzen and Carl Brenninkmeijer.
M&D Consulting, Germany
- Co-author (with Elkins and Montzka), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion Chapter 1 and 2.
- Contacts: Dr. Pauline Midgley
- Partial funding of operations and construction of ACATS and LACE airborne GCs
- Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data
- Contacts: Dr. Randy Kawa
NASA Ames Research Center
- Nitrous oxide and methane intercomparisons on airborne platforms.
- Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data
- Contacts: Drs. Max Loewenstein, Hans-Jürg Jost, and James Podoksle
- Joint publications: Volk et al., [1996]; Woodbridge et al., [1995]
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Stratospheric chemistry and transport using airborne and tropospheric data.
- Co-mission scientist: POLARIS and SOLVE
- Contacts: Dr. Paul Newman
- Joint publications: Newman et al., [1996]
NASA UARP, ACMAP, and Radiation Programs
- Partial funding of operations and construction of ACATS and LACE airborne GCs.
- Co-convener, Organizing Committee (w/ Butler and Montzka), 1998 Methyl Bromide State of the Science Meeting.
- Co-convenor (w/Elkins), Workshop on Source Gases for Ozone Depletion in Boulder CO, (jointly hosted by AGAGE-MIT/NOAA-CMDL/NASA-UARP) on May 14-16, 1997.
- Co-Author (w/Butler and Montzka), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 2.
- Contacts: Drs. Michael Kurylo, Phil DeCola, and Don Anderson
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), CO
- Photochemistry and tracer measurements during MLOPEX experiments.
- Hydrocarbon and PAN (w/Moore) measurements.
- Halocarbon standards intercomparison.
- Contacts: Drs. Elliot Atlas, Eric Apel, Chris. A Cantrell, Sue Schauffler, Frank Flock, and Julia Lee-Taylor
- Joint Publications: Wamsley et al., [1997]; Atlas et al., [1996]; Woodbridge et al., [1995]; Cantrell et al., [1992], Schauffler et al., [2002]
NOAA/Aeronomy Lab (AL)
- Co-principal investigator (w/Elkins) of ACATS, ACATS-IV, and LACE (Fahey).
- Co-investigator (w/Elkins) of PANTHER (Fahey).
- Trace gas research in the stratosphere.
- Intercomparison of trace gas measurements (Goldan, deGouw)
- Gas chromatography and standards (Goldan, Kuster)
- Co-author (w/Montzka and Butler) 2002 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment of Stratospheric Ozone
- Contacts: Drs. Dan Albritton, Chris Ennis, John Daniel, Adrian Tuck, David Fahey, Ru-Shan Gao, Eric Ray, Susan Solomon, Eric Richard, Karen Rosenlof, Paul Goldan, and Mr. Bill Kuster
- Elkins et al., [1996], Fahey et al., [2001], Richard et al., [2001], Volk et al., [1996,1997], Gao et al., [2001]
NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML)
- Methyl bromide research.
- Oceanic sources of trace gases.
- Contact: Drs. Shari Yvon-Lewis and Rik Wannikhof
NOAA/Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory (PMEL)
- Oceanic Trace Gas Research.
- Contacts: Drs. Dick Feeley, John Bullister, and Tim Bates.
Pennsylvania State University
- Trace gases in firn air (Co-Author and Collaborator)
- Former OMS Project Scientist (Brune)
- Contacts: Dr. Todd Sowers and Prof. William Brune
Physical Research Laboratory, India
- Co-author (w/ Montzka and Butler), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 2
- Co-author (w/ Montzka and Butler), 2002 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 1
- Contacts: Dr. Shyam Lal
Princeton University, NJ
- Measurement of trace gases in firn air.
- Contacts: Prof. Michael Bender
- Joint Publications: Battle et al., [1996], Butler et al., [1999]
RIVM (National Institute of Public Health and The Environment)
- WMO 2002 (with Montzka), co-author, Chapter 1
- Contact: Dr. Guus Velders
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, CA
- Intercomparison of trace gas measurements in the atmosphere.
- Intercomparison of trace gas standards (Hall, Elkins).
- Trace gas research.
- Collaborator at Trinidad Head, CA site.
- Contacts: Prof. Ray F. Weiss, and Drs. Ben Miller and Jeff Severinghouse
- Joint Publication: Battle et al., [1996]
United Kingdom Meteorological Office, Bristol
- Co-author (w/Montzka and Butler, WMO 2002 Report on the Scientific Assessment on Stratospheric Ozone, Chapter 1
- Contact: Dr. Dick Derwent
Universitaet Frankfurt, Germany-- Institut fuer Meteorologie und Geophysik
- Mixing fractions and entrainment times in the tropical and extratropical stratosphere
- Contacts: Prof. U. Schmidt, Dr. C. Michael Volk, and Dr. Andreas Engel
University of Bristol, England
- Chapter co-author (w/Montzka), 1998 WMO Report on the Scientific Assessment on Ozone Depletion, Chapter 2
- Contacts: Dr. Peter Simmonds
University of California at Irvine
- Total bromine and chlorine budget in the stratosphere.
- Intercomparison of trace gas measurements in the atmosphere.
- Methyl bromide research.
- Hydrocarbon research.
- Analysis of trace gases in firn air (Saltzman).
- Co-investigator (w/Butler) in methyl bromide research grant (Saltzman).
- Contacts: Profs. Sherwood Rowland, Don Blake, Eric Saltzman, and Michael Prather
- Joint publications: Wamsley et al., [1997]; Atlas et al., [1996]; Blake et al., [1992]
University of Colorado, Boulder
- Total bromine and chlorine budget in the stratosphere.
- Co-project scientist of CRYSTAL-FACE (Toon).
- Intercomparison of atmospheric trace gas measurements
- Prof. O. Brian Toon and Darrin Toohey, Dr. Christine Karbiwnyk
University of Colorado, Institute for Alpine and Arctic Research (INSTAAR)
- Development of calibration system standards for analysis of atmospheric sesquiterpenes.
- Contact: Dr. Detlev Helmig
University of Colorado, Mountain Research Station
- Measurement of trace gases using flasks and in situ GCs at Niwot Ridge, CO.
- Contacts: Mr. Mark Losleben
University of Dalhousie, Canada
- Methyl bromide Research
- Intercomparison of trace gas measurements
- Air-Sea Exchange Cruise - 1998
- Contacts: Prof. Robert Moore
University of East Anglia, England
- Intercomparison of trace gas measurements in the atmosphere.
- Cooperative Research Cruises for 1998
- Methyl bromide research
- Contacts: Prof. S. A. Penkett, Drs. Claire Reeves, William T. Sturges, Wendy Broadgate, and Dave Oram.
- Joint Publications: Wamsley et al., [1997]
University of Goteburg, Sweden
- Oceanic CCl4 research
- Contacts: Dr. Elisabet Fogelqvist
University of Miami, FL
- Theoretical modeling of stratosphere.
- Methyl bromide research.
- Modeling of methyl bromide in the atmosphere and ocean.
- Contacts: Prof. Jose Rodriguez and Dr. Kelly Goodwin
- Joint publications: Butler and Rodriguez [1996]
University of New England, Maine and Bigelow Laboratory
- Co-Investigator (w/Butler) in methyl bromide research grant
- Contacts: Dr. Paty Matrai
University of Southampton, UK
- Calibrations, Cooperative Research Cruises for 1998
- Contacts: Dr. Denise Smythe-Wright
University of Washington
- Air-Sea Exchange Cruise - 1998
- Contacts: Dr. William Asher
Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Studies on methyl chloroform in the atmosphere
- Intercomparison of trace gas measuments
- Contacts: Prof. Jos Lelieveld (now at MPI, Mainz), Dr. Maarten Krol, and Mr. Bert Scheeren
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Air-Sea Exchange Cruise - 1998
- Contacts: Drs. W.R. McGillis and J.B. Edson
York University, Canada
- Analyses of trace gases in the atmosphere
- Contacts: Prof. Jochen Rudolph