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14th BSRN Science Review and Workshop

Canberra, Australia, 26-29 April 2016


Monday, April 25
5:00 pm - ???? Ice Breaker (cash bar) University House (short walk from BoM offices)

Tuesday, April 26

Opening, Welcome Chair: Nicole Hyett
9:00 AM
Acknowledgment of country

Dr. Rob Vertessy BoM Director, greetings and welcome
9:30 AM Nicole Hyatt Meeting logistics
9:45 AM Chuck Long BSRN Greetings and meeting charge (show of hands for WG attendance)
10:00 AM Tim Oakley Welcome on behalf of Director GCOS and give an update on the status of GCOS
10:20 AM Nozomu Ohkawara Status and implementation plan of BSRN in GCOS
10:40 AM Gert König-Langlo Current state of the WRMC
11:00 AM Break (30 minutes) Poster Group 1 put up posters

New Sites Proposals 1 Chair: Chuck Long
11:30 AM Stefan Kinne (Hauke Schulz) Barbados proposal as a BSRN site
11:50 AM Carlo Wang New BSRN sites in Southeast Asia: from high elevation (2862 m) to sea-level
12:10 PM Benjamin Duck Solar and Meteorological monitoring in Newcastle, Australia (new site proposal)
12:30 PM Lunch

New Sites Proposals 2 Chair: Chuck Long
2:00 PM Béatrice Morel A suntracker at La Réunion Island (20.8°S; 55.5°E) for monitoring surface solar radiation under tropical maritime climate conditions: towards a new BSRN site?
2:20 PM Karthik Ramanathan A proposal to bring 4 SRRA stations of India into the BSRN network
2:40 PM Vasilii Kustov Ice camp "Cape Baranova" (79N, 101E) - possible candidate to BSRN
3:00 PM Break (30 minutes)

3:30 PM Poster Session 1
4:00 PM Jörg Schulz Overview of GDAP
5:30 PM Adjourn

Wednesday, April 27

Instrumentation Issues Chair: Gert König-Langlo
9:00 AM Aron Habte, Manajit Sengupta Comparison of Calibration Methods and Resulting Solar Irradiance Measurement Differences
9:15 AM Michael Milner Zenith angle bias in Pyranometer calibration
9:30 AM Nicole Hyett An evaluation of the Delta-T SPN1 as a sunshine meteri
9:45 AM Natalia Kouremeti Fourth Filter Radiometer Comparison (FRC-IV)
10:00 AM Ursula Weiser The Austrian radiation monitoring network ARAD - best practice and added value
10:15 AM Michael Milner Pyrheliometer Alignment Testing
10:30 AM Break (30 minutes) Poster Group 1 take down posters

Instrumentation Issues (Cont.) Chair: Laurent Vuilleumier
11:00 PM Aron Habte, Manajit Sengupta Quantifying Spectral Error in Thermopile Radiometers
11:15 AM Ibrahim Reda Measuring Broadband IR Irradiance in the Direct Solar Beam
11:30 PM Ian Dollery Pyrgeometer Uncertainty calculations
11:45 AM John Augustine Recovering LW irradiance tainted with bad thermistor data
12:00 AM Klaus Behrens Long term stability of two Eppley and two Kipp & Zonen pyrgeometers
12:15 PM Julian Gröbner Brief summary of the IPgCpyrgeometer comparison held during the IPC last fall
12:30 AM Stephan Nyeki The World Infrared Standard Group (WISG) of longwave radiometers: How can/should updated calibrations be transferred to BSRN records?
12:45 PM Lunch Poster Group 2 put up posters

2:00 PM Poster Session 2

4:00 PM Adjourn

Thursday, April 28
9:00 am - 10:30 am Working Group Breakouts (Times TBD)

Julian Gröbner Infrared Working Group

Chuck Long Cold Climate Issues Working Group

Julian Gröbner Spectral Working Group

Nicole Hyett Uncertainties Working Group

10:30 AM Break (30 minutes)
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Working Group Breakouts (Cont.)

Gert König-Langlo Training: how to use the BSRN-Toolbox, PanPlot to handle BSRN data before submission and as user

12:00 PM Lunch

Observations and Analysis Chair: Joe Michalsky
1:30 PM Chris Cox Cloud Radiative Forcing from pan-Arctic BSRN stations: Applications for climate monitoring and seasonal-scale sea ice forecasting
1:45 PM Gert König-Langlo Increasing CO2 cools Antarctica
2:00 PM Xiangao Xia Parameterization of clear-sky surface irradiance and its implications for estimation of aerosol direct radiative effect and aerosol optical depth
2:15 PM Carlo Wang Long-term measurements of solar radiation and aerosol radiative forcing at Mt. Lulin (2,862m) in East Asia
2:30 PM Frederick Denn Determination of Aerosol Optical Depth, and the required Top Of Atmosphere Values, with a Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer, Over a Five Year Long Period
2:45 PM Stefan Kinne AOD estimates from broadband BSRN data
3:00 PM Break (30 minutes)

Observations and Analysis (Cont.) Chair: Julian Gröbner
3:30 PM Joe Michalsky Spectral Irradiance and Optical Depth Retrievals from the Rotating Shadowband Spectroradiometer (RSS)
3:45 PM Bryan Fabbri 15 Year Climatology of BSRN Measurements made at Chesapeake Light (CLH)
4:00 PM Taiping Zhang The Data from the BSRN Archive and Its Application in the NASA GEWEX SRB and POWER Projects
4:15 PM Godugunur Giridhar, Karthik Ramanathan Indian Experiences on Solar Resource Assessment
4:30 PM Jordi Badosa On the quality of solar irradiance measurements for photovoltaic module efficiency studies
4:45 PM Sergio Colle Validation of the BLR diffuse model against BSRN FLO
5:00 PM Ben Liley 25 years of spectral UV measurements at Lauder
5:15 PM Stephen Wilson Inferring photolysis rates from solar radiation measurements at Cape Grim
5:30 PM Adjourn

Friday, April 29

Working Group Reports Chair: Chuck Long
9:00 AM Julian Gröbner Infrared Working Group
9:15 AM Julian Gröbner Spectral Working Group
9:30 AM Chris Cox Cold Climate Issues Working Group
9:45 AM Nicole Hyett Uncertainties Working Group
10:00 AM Joe Michalsky Broadband Shortwave Working Group

10:15 AM Business and Discussions Dicussion Lead: Chuck Long

Chuck Long Need chair for Broadband Shortwave WG?

Chuck Long New sites discussion

Chuck Long Delinquent data submissions discussion

Joe Michalsky SGP IOP; comparison of the 3 instruments that are considered absolute, & WISG versus IRIS & ACP

If time: Instrument specifications against a minimum requirement for BSRN site (WMO Req for Inst Purchase)

Minimum requirements for a BSRN site (Do we have enough just downwelling SW, ask for dn & up SW & LW?)

1:00 PM Adjourn


Poster Session 1

1 Nozomu Ohkawara Status of Japanese BSRN Stations
2 Lamine Boulkelia Status of Tamanrasset BSRN Station
3 Gert König-Langlo BSRN station Neumayer
4 Jordi Badosa BSRN station PAL at SIRTA, Paris Region: status and news
5 Karthik Ramanathan Solar Resource Assessment Program of India
6 Chris Cox Status and Plans for BSRN Stations in the Northern Canadian Archipelago: Alert and Eureka

Hard Copy:
7 Ursula Weiser SON site status update
8 Klaus Behrens Report about the Lindenberg station
9 Bryan Fabbri Status and Operations of the Chesapeake Light (CLH) BSRN Station
10 Frederick Denn Status and Operations of the NASA Langley (LRC) BSRN Station
11 Gary Hodges ARM BSRN Sites Update
12 Gary Hodges SURFRAD BSRN Sites Update
13 Laurent Vuilleumier Status of the Payerne BSRN station
15 Dénes Fekete Solar radiation measurements in Budapest station

Poster Session 2

1 Marion Maturilli Total Solar Eclipse over BSRN Station Ny-Alesund
2 Crystal Schaaf CEOS Land Product Validation (LPV) Subgroup
3 Crystal Schaaf Evaluation of MODIS/VIIRS/Landsat-8 Albedo Products over BSRN Sites
4 Kees Hoogendijk EKOnew "High-end" Secondary standard pyranometer called MS-80
5 Kai Rosin 65 years of radiation measurements in Tartu-Tõravere Station
6 Frederic Jobin An automated cleaning system for pyranometers" (and other solar instruments)
7 C. O. Akoshile A BSRN Station in a developing country: Need, Challenge, Effort and Progress

Hard Copy:

8 Seungjoo Song Quality control of surface atmospheric radiation data measured at Anmyon and Gosan, Korea
9 Stefan Kinne Radiative energy flows in the atmosphere (satellite) observations vs modeling
10 Stefan Kinne BSRN as reference revealing biases of of CERES, ISSCP, SRB data and CMIP3 modeling
11 Vasilii Kustov Short-wave and long-wave radiation balance in Tiksi (2010 - 2016)
12 Maurizio Busetto Surface based cloud radiative forcing assessment at Dome-C antarctic station (75°S) using BSRN data
13 Katlego Ncongwane Two years of BSRN measurements at De Aar, South Africa.
14 Kenrick Anderson The application of Solar and Meteorological data at the CSIRO National Solar Energy Centre
15 Sergio Colle Facilities for pyranometer and pirheliometers calibration at BSRN FLO
16 Jörg Trentmann Validation of CM SAF satellite-derived surface radiation data records using BSRN measurements
17 Stephan Nyeki The GAW-PFR Aerosol Optical Depth Network: 2008 - 2013 Time-Series at Cape Point Station, South Africa