GRAD Research Projects
This is a partial list of NOAA GML GRAD research projects.
- Mauna Loa apparent transmission
- Ultraviolet Radiation
- Surface Radiation (SURFRAD) Network
- Central UV Calibration Facility
- NOAA/EPA UV-Ozone Brewer (NEUBrew) Network
- Solar Radiation Calibration Facility (SRF)
- Umkehr Ozone Profile Retrievals
- Stratospheric Aerosol Climatology at UV Wavelengths
- Aerosol optical depth
- Long-term trends
- Instrument development
- Model/Observation comparisons
- Volcanic climate effects
- Polar regions
- Polar Optical Depth
- Barrow Radiation Climatology
- Barrow Snowmelt Date
- Pinatubo Effects in the Arctic
- Western Arctic Climate Change
- Characterization and Radiative Impacts of Arctic Aerosols
- Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy Satellite (CERES) Validation
- Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW)
- Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN)
- Excess Cloud Absorption
- ARM collaborations