data.instruments.locate accesses the segmentation system to generate a report of instrument locations.
Command Line Usage
data.instruments.locate Pattern[ Pattern] ...
The output consists of comma-separated records containing the instrument specification (manufacturer, model number, serial number), station ID, instrument ID, start time, and end time, e.g.,
The Perl regular expression to match in the segmentation system. Normally this is specified like the instrument segemenation (e.x. “TSI;3563;1010”). Output is generated if any pattern matches.
Example Usage
Locate a specific instrument
data.instruments.locate 'TSI;3563;1010'
Locate all instruments of a particular make/model
data.instruments.locate 'TSI;3563.*'
Accessing all spanchecks for an instrument
Make a script file with the data to access:
data.instruments.locate 'TSI;3563;1010' | perl -ne 'chomp; @f=split/,/; $i=$i+1; print join(" ", "data.get", $f[1], $f[2]."k", @f[3..4])." > combine.$i \n"' >
Check the script file ( to make sure there aren't overlapping time periods, then run it. It will produce a series of files (combine.N) that can then be used with data.multiplex to make a single output file:
data.multiplex combine.*