data.multiplex inputs (either files or piped commands) and combined them into a single time interwoven multiplexed stream, written to standard output.
Command Line Usage
data.multiplex input1 [input2 ... inputN]
input1 ... inputN
List if inputs. Any one starting with a pipe “|” is treated as a command to be executed (the pipe character is removed). Specifying “-” reads from standard input.
Example Usage
Multiple files
data.multiplex data1 data2
File and standard input
data.get sgp S11a 2008:10 2008:11 | data.multiplex - data1
Data from multiple stations
data.multiplex '|data.get sgp S11a 2008:10 2008:11' '|data.get bnd S11a 2008:10 2008:11'
Note: multiple station data cannot be used with many processing programs, use with caution.