Schematic of CVI

Ambient gases and low inertia (smaller) particles are prevented from entering the CVI by the counter flow, while high inertia particles follow the sample flow to whatever instrumentation is downstream of the CVI. The distance from the tip of the CVI to the stagnation plane is a function of the flows and dimensions of the CVI and will determine the size of particles collected. (Schematic based on drawing from S. Tuckers MS thesis.)

The CVI at Åreskutan

Click on image to see larger view.

close up of CVI used in Sweden in 1989
CVI installed on rooftop sampling system in 1989
observatory on top of Åreskutan in Sweden showing CVIs used in 1986

images by J. Ogren

A CVI during the AIRS-II field project

The Cloud Spectrometer and Impactor (CSI) incorporates a CVI inlet in front and a droplet scattering probe underneath. Photo taken from the C-130 cabin during the AIRS-II field program by Greg Kok.
Oregon State's (Cindy Twohy) standard CVI inlet on the side of the C-130
The Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. (IfT) airborne CVI, mounted on the Partenavia aircraft. Photo by Stephan Mertes.

Following the Areskutan CVI field experiment, NOAA/GML has participated in various other field campaigns involving a CVI. Below are links to images and/or webpages for these other CVI related campaigns.

[Pt. Reyes,CA 2005 images]

Counterflow Virtual Impactor (CVI)

Counterflow Virtual Impactor References

  1. Acker, K., S. Mertes, et al. (2002). Case study of cloud physical and chemical processes in low clouds at Mt. Brocken. Atmospheric Research 64(1-4): 41-51.
  2. Anderson, T. L. (1992) Optimization of a Counterflow Virtual Impactor (CVI) for studying aerosol effects on cloud droplet number, Ph. D., Thesis, University of Washington.
  3. Anderson, T. L., R. J. Charlson, et al. (1993). "Calibration of a Counterflow Virtual Impactor at aerodynamic diameters from 1 to 15 µm." Aerosol Sci. Tech. 19: 317-329.
  4. Anderson, T. L., D. S. Covert, et al. (1994). "Cloud droplet number studies with a counterflow virtual impactor." J. Geophys. Res 99: 8249-8256.
  5. Arends, B. G., G. P. A. Kos, et al. (1994). "Microphysics of Clouds at Kleiner-Feldberg." J. Atmos. Chem 19(1-2): 59-85.
  6. Arends, B. G., G. P. A. Kos, et al. (1992). "Comparison of techniques for measurements of fog liquid water content." Tellus 44B: 604-611.
  7. Asgharian, B. and M. N. Godo (1997). "Transport and deposition of spherical particles and fibers in an improved virtual impactor." Aerosol. Sci. Tech. 27(4): 499-506.
  8. Beard, K.B., H.T.Ochs, J.S. Naul, C.H. Twohy (2004). "Aircraft measurements of high average charges on cloud drops in stratiform clouds." Geophys. Res. Lett. 31l14111, doi:10.1029/2004GL020465.
  9. Boulter, J.E., D.J. Cziczo, A.M. Middlebrook, D.S., Thomson, D.M. Murphy, (2006) "Design and performance of a pumped counterflow virtual impactor." Aerosol. Sci. Tech. 40: 969-976.
  10. Brüggemann, E., Gnauk, T., Mertes, S., Acker, K., Auel, R., Wieprecht, W., Möller, D., Collett Jr., J.L., Chang, H., Galgon, D., Chemnitzer, R., Rüd, C., Junek, R., Wiedensohler, A. and Herrmann, H., (2005) "Schmücke hill cap cloud and valley stations aerosol characterisation during FEBUKO (I): Particle size distribution, mass, and main components." Atmos. Environ., 39(23-24): 4291-4303.
  11. Choularton, T. W., R. Colvile, et al. (1997). "The Great Dun Fell Cloud Experiment 1993: An Overview." Atmos. Environ. 31: 2393-2405.
  12. Colvile, R. N., R. Sander, et al. (1994). "Computer Modeling of Clouds at Kleiner-Feldberg." J. Atmos. Chem 19(1-2): 189-229.
  13. Cziczo, D. J., et al. (2003), "A method for single particle mass spectrometry of ice nuclei," Aerosol Sci. Technol., 37, 460- 469.
  14. Cziczo, D. J., D. M. Murphy, P. K. Hudson, and D. S. Thomson (2004)," Single particle measurements of the chemical composition of cirrus ice residue during CRYSTAL-FACE," J. Geophys. Res., 109, D04201, doi:10.1029/2003JD004032.
  15. De Bock, L. A., P. E. Joos, et al. (2000). "Single Particle Analysis of Aerosols Observed in the Marine Boundary Layer during the Monterey Area Ship Tracks Experiment (MAST) with Respect to Cloud Droplet Formation." J. Atmos. Chem 37: 299-329.
  16. Dixon, R. W. (1991) Development of a real-time method for the measurement of sulfur (IV) in cloud water with a counter-flow virtual impactor, Ph.D., Thesis, University of Washington.
  17. Dixon, R. W. and R. J. Charlson (1994). "Development of a new real-time method for measuring S(IV) in cloud water using a counter-flow virtual impactor." Tellus 46B: 193-204.
  18. Drewnick, F., J. Schneider, S.S. Hings, N. Hock, K. Noone, A. Targino, S. Weimar, S. Borrmann (2007) "Measurement of ambient interstitial and residual aerosol particles on a mountaintop site in central Swedan using an aerosol mass spectrometer and a CVI." J. Atmos. Chem. 56 (1), 1-20.
  19. Durkee, P. A., K. J. Noone, et al. (2000). "The Monterey Area Ship Track Experiment." J. Atmos. Sci. 57(16): 2523-2541.
  20. Durkee, P. A., K. J. Noone, et al. (2000). "The Impact of Ship-Produced Aerosols on the Microphysical Characteristics of Warm Stratocumulus Clouds: A Test of MAST Hypotheses 1i and 1ii." J. Atmos. Sci. 57(16): 2554-2569.
  21. Facchini, M. C., S. Fuzzi, et al. (1992). "The Chemistry of Sulfur and Nitrogen Species in a Fog System - a Multiphase Approach." Tellus 44B(5): 505-521.
  22. Field, P. R., R. J. Cotton, et al. (2001). "Ice nucleation in orographic wave clouds: Measurements made during INTACC." Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc 127: 1493-1512.
  23. Flossmann, A. I., W. Wobrock, et al. (2003). Chemistry in mixed phase clouds (EU-project CIME). Munich, Germany, GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health: 55-62.
  24. Fuzzi, S., M. C. Facchini, et al. (1992). "The Po Valley Fog Experiment 1989 - an Overview." Tellus 44B(5): 448-468.
  25. Garrett, T.J., H. Gerber, D.G.Baumgardner, C.H. Twohy, and E.M. Weinstock (2003). "Small, highly reflective ice crystals in low-latitude cirrus." Geophys. Res. Lett. 30,(21): 2131, doi:10.1029/2003GL018153.
  26. Garrett, T.J.,B.C.Navarro, C. H. Twohy, E. J. Jensen, D. Baumgardner, P. T. Bui, H. Gerber, R. Herman, A. J. Heymsfield, P. Lawson, P. Minnis, L. Nguyen, M. Poellot, S. K. Pope, F. P. J. Valero, and E. M. Weinstock, (2005). "Evolution of a Florida cirrus anvil" J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 41-64
  27. Gerber, H., C. H. Twohy, et al. (1998). "Measurements of wave-cloud microphysical properties with two new aircraft probes." Geophys. Res. Lett. 25(8): 1117-1120.
  28. Gieray, R., G. Lammel, et al. (1993). "Size dependent single particle and chemical bulk analysis of droplets and interstitial particles in an orographic cloud." Atmos. Res. 30: 263-293.
  29. Gieray, R., P. Wieser, et al. (1997). "Phase partitioning of aerosol constituents in cloud based on single-particle and bulk analysis." Atmos. Environ 31(2491-2502).
  30. Glantz, P., K.J. Noone, S.R. Osborne, Comparisons of Airborne CVI and FSSP Measurements of Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 20,133-142, 2003.
  31. Glantz, P., G. Svensson, K.J. Noone, and S.R. Osborne, Sea-salt aerosols over the north-east Atlantic: Model simulations of the ACE-2 Second Lagrangian experiment, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 130, 2191-2215, 2004.
  32. Glantz, P. and K. J. Noone (2000). "A physically-based mechanism for converting aerosol mass to cloud droplet number." Tellus 52B: 1216-1231.
  33. Hallberg, A., K. J. Noone, et al. (1998). "Aerosol particles and clouds: which particles form cloud droplets?" Tellus 50B(1): 59-75.
  34. Hallberg, A., K. J. Noone, et al. (1994). "Phase Partitioning of Aerosol-Particles in Clouds at Kleiner- Feldberg." J. Atmos. Chem 19(1-2): 107-127.
  35. Hallberg, A., J. A. Ogren, et al. (1992). "Phase Partitioning for Different Aerosol Species in Fog." Tellus 44B(5): 545-555.
  36. Hallberg, A., J. A. Ogren, et al. (1994). "The Influence of Aerosol-Particle Composition on Cloud Droplet Formation." J. Atmos. Chem 19(1-2): 153-171.
  37. Hallberg, A., W. Wobrock, et al. (1997). "Microphysics of clouds: Model versus measurements." Atmos. Environ 31: 2453-5462.
  38. Hayden, K. L., A. M. Macdonald, W. Gong, D. Toom-Sauntry, K. G. Anlauf, A. Leithead, S.-M. Li, W. R. Leaitch, and K. Noone (2008), Cloud processing of nitrate, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D18201, doi:10.1029/2007JD009732.
  39. Hegg, D.A., and K.J. Noone, Phenomenology of ice formation in INTACC and SUCCESS, Atmos. Res., 78 (1-2), 33-45, 2005.
  40. Heintzenberg, J. (1992). CVI: Realtidsmätningar av föroreningar i dimma och moln. Mätbladet: 4-5.
  41. Heintzenberg, J., J. A. Ogren, et al. (1989). "The size distribution of submicrometer particles within and about stratocumulus cloud droplets on Mt. Åreskutan, Sweden." Atmos. Res. 24: 89-101.
  42. Heintzenberg, J., K. Okada, et al. (1996). "On the composition of non-volatile material in upper tropospheric aerosols and cirrus crystals." Atmos. Res. 41: 81-88.
  43. Herrmann, H., Müller, K., Brüggemann, E., Gnauk, T., Mertes, S., Lehmann, K., Massling, A., Wiedensohler, A., Wieprecht, W., Acker, K., Jaeschke, W., Kramberger, H., Svrcina, B., Bächmann, K., Galgon, D., Nowak, A., van Pinxteren, D., Plewka, A. and Hofmann, D., (2006) "FEBUKO experiment design and measurements" Atmos. Environ.: accepted.
  44. Heymsfield, A., J. A. Bansemer, et al. (2002). "A general approach for deriving the properties of cirrus and stratiform ice cloud particles." J. Atmos. Sci. 59(1): 3-29.
  45. Heymsfield, A., J. A. Bansemer, C. Schmitt, C. Twohy and M.R. Poellot (2004). "Effective ice particle densities derived from aircraft data,." J. Atmos. Sci. (in press) 61.
  46. Heymsfield, A. J., L. M. Miloshevich, C. Schmitt, A. Bansemer, C. Twohy, M. R. Poellot, and A. Fridland, (2005) " Homogeneous ice nucleation in tropical convection and its influence on cirrus anvil microphysics," J. Atmos. Sci, 62, 2352-2372
  47. Hiranuma, N., M. Kohn, M., Pekour, M.S., Nelson, D.A., Shilling, J.E., Cziczo, D.J. (2011) "Droplet activation, separation, and compositional analysis: laboratory studies and atmospheric measurements,"Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 2333–2343.
  48. Jensen, E. J., O. B. Toon, et al. (1998). "Ice nucleation processes in upper tropospheric wave-clouds observed during SUCCESS." Geophys. Res. Lett. 25(9): 1363-1366.
  49. Johnson, D. W., S. R. Osborne, et al. (2000). "An overview of the Lagrangian experiments undertaken during the North Atlantic Regional Aerosol Characterisation Experiment (ACE-2)." Tellus 52B: 290-320.
  50. Kristensson, A., J.-F. Gayet, et al. (2000). "In situ observations of a reduction in effective crystal diameter in cirrus clouds near flight corridors." Geophys. Res. Lett. 27(5): 681-684.
  51. Kulkami, G., Pekour, M., Afchine, A., Murphy, D.M., Cziczo, D.J. "Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Studies of the Performance Characteristics of a Pumped Counterflow Virtual Impactor," Aerosol. Sci. Technol., 45, 382-392, 2011.
  52. Laucks, M. L. and C. H. Twohy (1998). "Size-dependent collection efficiency of an airborne counterflow virtual impactor." Aerosol Sci. Tech. 28: 40-61.
  53. Lelieveld, J., A. Bregman, et al. (1999). "Chlorine activation and ozone destruction in the northern lowermost stratosphere." J. Geophys. Res 104(D7): 8201-8213.
  54. Lin, H. and J. Heintzenberg (1995). "A theoretical study of the counterflow virtual impactor." J. Aerosol Sci 26(6): 903-914.
  55. Lin, H. and K. J. Noone (1996). "A simulation of cloud formation and sampling using the counterflow virtual impactor." Contributions to Atmospheric Physics 69(2): 321-332.
  56. Lin, H., K. J. Noone, et al. (1998). "Small ice crystals in cirrus clouds: A model study and comparison with in situ observations." J. Atmos. Sci. 55: 1928-1939.
  57. Lin, H., K. J. Noone, et al. (1998). "Dynamical Influences on Cirrus Cloud Formation Process." J. Atmos. Sci. 55: 1940-1949.
  58. Mace, G. G, S. Benson, K. L. Sonntag, S. Kato, Q. Min, P. Minnis, C. Twohy, M. Poellot and C. Long, (2005) " Cloud radiative forcing at the ARM Climate Research Facility: Part 1. Technique, validation, and comparison to satellite-derived diagnostic quantities," J. Geophys. Res., submitted.
  59. Maenhaut, W., G. Ducastel, et al. (1994). Chemical composition of the summer aerosol at Ny Ålesund, Spitsbergen, and relative contributio of natural and anthropogenic sources to non-sea-salt sulfate. EUROTRAC Symposium ´94. P. M. Borell, P. Borell, T. Cvitas and W. Seiler. The Hague, The Netherlands, SPB Academic Publishing bv: 467-471.
  60. Martinsson, B. G., E. Swietlicki, et al. (1992). "Elemental Composition of Fog Interstitial Particle-Size Fractions and Hydrophobic Fractions Related to Fog Droplet Nucleation Scavenging." Tellus 44B(5): 593-603.
  61. Mertes, S., B. Dippel, et al. (2004). Quantification of graphitic carbon in atmospheric aerosol particles by Raman spectroscopy and first application for the determination of mass absorption efficiencies. Journal of Aerosol Science: accepted.
  62. Mertes, S., Galgon, D., Schwirn, K., Nowak, A., Lehmann, K., Maßling, A., Wiedensohler, A. and Wieprecht, W., (2005) "Evolution of particle concentration and size distribution observed upwind, inside and downwind hill cap clouds at connected flow conditions during FEBUKO." Atmos. Environ., 39(23-24): 4233-4245.
  63. Mertes, S., Lehmann, K., Nowak, A., Maßling, A. and Wiedensohler, A., (2005) "Link between aerosol hygroscopic growth and droplet activation observed for hill-capped clouds at connected flow conditions during FEBUKO." Atmos. Environ., 39(23-24): 4247-4256.
  64. Mertes, S., A. Schwarzenböck, et al. (2001). Comparison of the aerosol absorption coefficient obtained by the particle soot absorption photometer (PSAP) to a Raman spectroscopic graphitic carbon analysis of the PSAP internal filters. Journal of Aerosol Science 32(S1): S687-S688.
  65. Mertes, S., A. Schwarzenböck, et al. (2001). Phase partitioning of black carbon, non-volatile organic carbon and soluble inorganic substances between the droplet and interstitial phase of clouds at Mt. Brocken, Germany. Journal of Aerosol Science 32(S1): S969-S980.
  66. Mertes, S., A. Schwarzenböck, et al. (2001). Changes of cloud microphysical properties during the transition from supercooled to mixed-phase conditions during CIME. Atmospheric Research 58(4): 267-294.
  67. Mertes, S., Verheggen, B., Walter, S., Connolly, P., Ebert, M., Schneider, J., Bower, K.N., Cozic, J., Weinbruch, S., Baltensperger, U., and Weingartner, E., "Counterflow virtual impactor based collection of small ice particles in mixed phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterization of tropospheric ice nuclei: Sampler description and first case study,"Aerosol Sci. Technol., 41, 848-864, 2007.
  68. Mitra, S. K., J. Brinkmann, et al. (1992). "A wind tunnel study on the drop-to-particle conversion." J. Aerosol Sci 23(3): 245-256.
  69. Murphy, D.M., D.J. Cziczo, P.K. Hudson, D.S., Thomson, J.C. Wilson, T. Kojima and P.R. Buseck, "Particle generation and resuspension in aircraft inlets when flying in clouds," Aerosol Sci. & Tech., 38, 400-408, 2004.
  70. Noone, K. B. and J. Heintzenberg (1991). "On the determination of droplet size distributions with the counterflow virtual impactor." Atmos. Res. 26(5): 389-406.
  71. Noone, K. B., K. J. Noone, et al. (1993). "In-situ observations of cloud microphysical properties using the counterflow virtual impactor." J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech. 10: 294-303.
  72. Noone, K. J. (1987) Size selective cloud drop sampling using a counterflow virtual impactor: design, calibration and field studies, Ph.D. , Thesis, University of Washington.
  73. Noone, K. J., R. J. Charlson, et al. (1988). "Design and Calibration of a Counterflow Virtual Impactor for Sampling of Atmaspheric Fog and Cloud Droplets." Aer. Sci. Technol 8: 235-244.
  74. Noone, K. J., R. J. Charlson, et al. (1988). "Cloud Droplets: Solute Concentration is Size Dependent." J.Geophys. Res 93: 9477-9482.
  75. Noone, K. J., H.-C. Hansson, et al. (1992). "Droplet sampling from crosswinds: An inlet efficiency calibration." J. Aerosol Sci 23(2): 153-164.
  76. Noone, K. J., D. W. Johnson, et al. (2000). "A Case Study of Ship Track Formation in a Polluted Marine Boundary Layer." J. Atmos. Sci. 57(16): 2748-2764.
  77. Noone, K. J., J. A. Ogren, et al. (1992). "A Statistical Examination of the Chemical Differences between Interstitial and Scavenged Aerosol." Tellus 44B(5): 581-592.
  78. Noone, K. J., J. A. Ogren, et al. (1992). "Changes in Aerosol Size and Phase Distributions Due to Physical and Chemical Processes in Fog." Tellus 44B(5): 489-504.
  79. Noone, K. J., J. A. Ogren, et al. (1988). "An examination of the chemical and physical variability of clouds at a mountain-top site in central Sweden." Ann. Meteorologie 25: 282-284.
  80. Noone, K. J., J. A. Ogren, et al. (1990). "An examination of clouds at a mountain-top site in Central Sweden: The distribution of solute within cloud droplets." Atmos. Res. 25: 3-15.
  81. Noone, K. J., J. A. Ogren, et al. (1991). "Measurements of the partitioning of hydrogen peroxide in a stratiform cloud." Tellus 43B(3): 280-290.
  82. Noone, K. J., E. Ostrom, et al. (2000). "A Case Study of Ships Forming and Not Forming Tracks in Moderately Polluted Clouds." J. Atmos. Sci. 57(16): 2729-2747.
  83. Ogren, J., J. Heintzenberg, et al. (1988). "Measurements of the partitioning of aerosol mass and number between cloud droplets and interstitial air." Annalen der Meteorologie 25: 34-36.
  84. Ogren, J., J. Heintzenberg, et al. (1989). "Measurements of the Short-term Variability of Aqueous-Phase Mass Concentrations in Cloud Droplets." Pro. NATO-ARW: Acid Deposition Processes at High Elevation Sites: 8-12.
  85. Ogren, J., J. Heintzenberg, et al. (1989). "Measurement of the Size Dependence of Non-Volatile, Mass Concentrations in Cloud Droplets." Tellus 41B: 24-31.
  86. Ogren, J., K. Noone, et al. (1992). Aerosol particles and clouds: partitioning and interactions, EUROTRAC subproject GCE Annual Report for 1991.
  87. Ogren, J., K. Noone, et al. (1991). Interactions between aerosol particles and clouds, EUROTRAC Annual Report 1990, p. 37-44.
  88. Ogren, J. A. and R. J. Charlson (1989). "Comments on "A theoretical study of the wet removal of atmospheric pollutants. Part I: The redistribution of aerosol particles captured through nucleation and impaction scavenging by growing cloud drops," and ¨Part II: The uptake and redistribution of (NH4)2SO4 particles and SO2 gas simultaneously scavenged by growing cloud drops¨." J. Atmos. Sci. 46(12): 1867-1869.
  89. Ogren, J. A., J. Heintzenberg, et al. (1985). "In situ sampling of clouds with a droplet to aerosol converter." Geophys. Res. Lett. 12: no. 3.
  90. Ogren, J. A., J. Heintzenberg, et al. (1988). Measurements of the short-term variability of aqueous-phase mass-concentrations in cloud droplets. Acid Deposition at High Elevation Sites. M. H. Unsworth and D. Fowler, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 252: 125-137.
  91. Ogren, J. A., K. J. Noone, et al. (1992). "Measurements of the Size Dependence of the Concentration of Nonvolatile Material in Fog Droplets." Tellus 44B(5): 570-580.
  92. Osborne, S. R., D. W. Johnson, et al. (2000). "Observations of the aerosol, cloud and boundary layer dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics during the second Lagrangian experiment of ACE-2." Tellus 52B: 375-400.
  93. Öström, E., K. J. Noone, et al. (2000). "Cloud droplet residual particle microphysics in marine stratocumulus clouds observed during the Monterey Area Ship Track Experiment." J. Atmos. Sci. 57(16): 2671-2683.
  94. Pandis, S. N. and J. H. Seinfeld (1992). "Reply." J. Geophys. Res 97(D5): 6079-6081.
  95. Petzold, A., J. Ström, et al. (1998). "Elemental composition and morphology of ice-crystal residual particles in cirrus clouds and contrails." Atmos. Res. 49: 21-34.
  96. Pekour, M.S., Cziczo, D.J. (2011). "Wake capture, particle breakup, and other artifacts associated with counterflow virtual impaction." Aerosol Sci. Technol. 45 758-764.
  97. Russell, L. M., K. J. Noone, et al. (2000). "Combustion Organic Aerosol as Cloud Condensation Nuclei in Ship Tracks." J. Atmos. Sci. 57(16): 2591-2606.
  98. Schröder, F., B. Karcher, et al. (2000). "On the transition of contrails into cirrus clouds." J. Atmos. Sci. 57(4): 464-480.
  99. Schröder, F. and J. Ström (1997). "Aircraft measurements of sub micrometer aerosol particles (>7 nm) in the midlatitude free troposphere and tropopause region." Atmos. Res. 44: 333-356.
  100. Schwarzenböck, A. (1998). Development and application of complementary hydrometeor and interstitial aerosol samplers, University of Leipzig: 131.
  101. Schwarzenböck, A., J. Heintzenberg, et al. (2000). Incorporation of aerosol particles between 25 and 850 nanometers into cloud elements: Measurement with a new complementary sampling system. Atmospheric Research 52(4): 241-260.
  102. Schwarzenböck, A. and J. Heintzenberg (2000). Cut size minimization and cloud element break-up in a ground-based CVI. Journal of Aerosol Science 31(4): 477-489.
  103. Schwarzenböck, A., S. Mertes, et al. (2001). Cloud droplet residual sizes and residual mass concentrations in specific drop size classes. Journal of Aerosol Science 32(S1): S205-S206.
  104. Schwarzenböck, A., S. Mertes, et al. (2001). Impact of the Bergeron-Findeisen process on the release of aerosol particles during the evolution of cloud ice. Atmospheric Research 58(4): 295-313.
  105. Soderholm, S. C. and G. A. Ferron (1992). "Estimating effects of evaporation and condensation on volatile aerosols during inhalation exposures." J. Aerosol Sci 23(3): 257-277.
  106. Ström (1993) Numerical and airborne experimental studies of aerosol and cloud properties in the troposphere, Ph.D. , Thesis, Stockholm University.
  107. Ström, J., R. Busen, et al. (1994). "Pre-EUCREX intercomparison of airborne humidity measuring instruments." J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech. 11(5): 1392-1399.
  108. Ström, J., H. Fischer, et al. (1999). "In situ measurements of microphysical properties and trace gases in two cumulonimbus anvils over western Europe." J. Geophys. Res 104(D10): 12221-12226.
  109. Ström, J. and J. Heintzenberg (1994). "Water vapor, condensed water, and crystal concentration in orographically influenced cirrus clouds." J. Atmos. Sci. 51(16): 2368-2383.
  110. Ström, J., J. Heintzenberg, et al. (1994). "Small crystals in cirriform clouds: a case study of residue size distribution, cloud water content and related cloud properties." Atmos. Res. 32(14): 125-141.
  111. Ström, J. and S. Ohlsson (1998). "In-situ measurements of enhanced crystal number densities in cirrus clouds caused by aircraft exhaust." J. Geophys. Res 103(D10): 11355-11361.
  112. Ström, J. and S. Ohlsson (1998). "Real-time measurement of absorbing material in contrail ice using a counterflow virtual impactor." J. Geophys. Res 103(D8): 8737-8741.
  113. Ström, J., B. Strauss, et al. (1997). "In situ observations of the microphysical properties of young cirrus clouds." J. Atmos. Sci. 54: no. 21.
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  116. Targino, A., R. Krejci, K. Noone, and P. Glantz, Single particle analysis of ice crystal residuals observed in orographic wave clouds over Scandinavia during INTACC experiment, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 6, 1977-1990, 2006.
  117. Targino, A., K.J. Noone, and E. Öström, Airborne in situ characterization of dry aerosol optical properties in a multisource influenced marine region, Tellus, 57B (3), 247-260, 2005.
  118. Tucker, S.L., (1989) Analysis of marine stratus condensation nuclei collected with a new counter-flow virtual impactor Master's Thesis, University of Washington.
  119. Twohy, C. H. (1988) Sampling and analysis of cloud droplets by aircraft using a counterflow virtual impactor.,Master's Thesis, University of Washington.
  120. Twohy, C. H. (1989). "Light-absorbing material extracted from cloud droplets and its effect on cloud albedo." J. Geophys. Res 94: no. D6.
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  122. Twohy, C. H. (1998). "Model calculations and wind tunnel testing of an isokinetic shroud for high-speed sampling." Aerosol Sci. Tech. 29: 261-280.
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