Measurements at the Mauna Loa Observatory stopped after the 2022 eruption of the Mauna Loa volcano, when lava flow crossed the access road and took out power lines to the facility. The observatory remains inaccessible by vehicle and without power from the local utility company.

Observatory staff has established limited solar power in four observatory buildings and restored approximately 33 percent of the measurements onsite, including the Global Monitoring Laboratory and Scripps critical CO2 records and other atmospheric measurements.

Media can contact: Theo Stein (303) 819-7409 ( or Karin Vergoth 303-632-6413‬ (

Earth System Research Laboratory: Introduction

Mauna Loa Science Fair Award, 2017

Every year MLO contributes to the local Science Fair event. This year we awarded two recipients, LELA DEVINE won the junior research award with their project titled: THE EFFECTS OF TURBIDITY ON THE COLOR SPECTRUM AT DIFFERENT DEPTHS and MARA R. HON won the second award with her project titled: THE EFFECTS OF MOON PHASES ON GLOBAL SEISMIC ACTIVITY. The Senior division also had two research recipients KALANI V. SCHEFFLER won the senior division award with his project titled: THE EFFECT OF VOG ON PLANT DIVERSITY. Marybeth DeRego won the second award with her project titled: Sewage Pollution in Groundwater.

Aidan presenting Lela C. Devine with her award.

The Effects of Turbidity on the Color Spectrum at Different Depths


Darryl presenting Mara R. Hon with her award.

The Effects of Moon Phases on Global Seismic Activity

Darryl and Aidan presenting Kalani Scheffler with his award

The Effect of Vog on Plant Diversity


Aidan and Darryl presents Marybeth DeRego with her award.

Sewage Pollution in Groundwater

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