GML highlights at AGU 2024 Fall Meeting

GML and CIRES researchers are presenting several talks and posters at the 2024 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union and collaborating on many more. Highlights are below.
Monday, December 9
Trends in long-term Total Column Ozone at the NOAA GML Dobson Network
Presenter: Peter Effertz (CIRES/GML)
08:00 – 17:30 EST, iPoster Gallery (Online)
Updated estimates of surface water pCO2within the marginal ice zone along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Presenter: David Munro (CIRES/GML)
08:00 – 17:30 EST, iPoster Gallery (Online)
Permafrost Measurements at the NOAA's Barrow Atmospheric Baseline Observatory: System Overview & Initial Results
Presenter: Tania Mendoza Martinez
08:00 – 17:30 EST, iPoster Gallery (Online)
Long-term analysis of global and regional methane emissions from 2000 to
2022 using CarbonTracker-CH4
Presenter: Yuomi Oh (CIRES/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Ozone Intercomparison of UV-Photometers of IAGOS Aircraft and WCCOS of Ozonesondes: Results and Traceability to One Common Reference Standard
Presenter: Herman Smit (CIRES/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Aerosol Optical Depth from the U.S. SURFRAD Network (1997-2023): Natural Variability, Trends, and Seasonality
Presenter: Hagen Telg (CIRES/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Optimizing Land Biosphere Model Parameters to Improve Simulation of Plant-Drought Interactions in the Western United States
Presenter: Aleya Kaushik (CIRES/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
High resolution regional modeling of North American net ecosystem exchange using OCO-2 retrievals
Presenter: Bharat Rastogi (GML Associate)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Town Hall: Becoming a Climate-Ready Nation: Interagency Collaboration to Advance Greenhouse Gas Observations, Understanding, and Applications
Presenter: Colm Sweeney
12:30–13:30 EST, Salon I (Washington Convention Center)
Intercomparison of balloon-borne measurements of UTLS water vapor during the ATMOSFER campaign
Presenter: Elizabeth Asher (CIRES/GML)
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Quality Assurance of the Global Ozonesonde Network: A Continuous Process of Reporting and Assessing the Sondes Measurement Quality on their Consistency and Uncertainty Budget
Presenter: Herman Smit (CIRES/GML)
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Breaking the Ice: Advancing FAIR and CARE Data Principles in Polar Research eLightning
Presenter: Sara Morris (eLightning Session Co-convener)
16:00 - 17:30 EST, eLightning Theater 2 (Washington Convention Center)
Tuesday, December 10
Atmospheric H2 measurements from the NOAA GGGRN
Presenter: Gabrielle Petron (CIRES/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
COVID-19 impacts on the US methane emissions
Presenter: Sergio Ibarra Espinosa (CIRES/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Advancing our observing capacity of GHG through technology and public/private partnerships
Presenter: Colm Sweeney
09:10 - 09:20 EST, Independence D (Marriott Marquis)
NOAA's emerging capabilities for tracking greenhouse gas emissions and removals from regional to global scales in the context of the US GHG Center
Presenter: Arlyn Andrews
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Multiple decades of highly precise atmospheric CO2 and CH4 measurements from NOAA’s Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network and the way forward
Presenter: Xin Lan (CIRES/GML)
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Highlighting Successes in Marrying Atmosphere- and Activity-Based Approaches for Quantifying and Understanding Emissions of non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases on a Range of Spatial Scales
Presenter: Stephen A Montzka
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
NOAA booth talk: CarbonTracker-CH4
Presenter: Youmi Oh (CIRES/GML)
14:45 - 15:00 EST, NOAA Booth (Exhibit Hall, Washington Convention Center)
Wednesday, December 11
Town Hall: Federal Coordination on Mitigation-Relevant Climate Change Research
Presenter: Colm Sweeney
18:00 - 19:00 EST, Marquis 12-13 (Marriott Marquis)
Thursday, December 12
Halogen Compounds in the Northern Hemisphere Stratosphere: from Summer Midlatitudes to the Polar Vortex
Presenter: Eric Hintsa (CIRES/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
NDACC New Strategic Planning Driven by the Most Recent Atmospheric Composition Changes
Presenter: Irina V Petropavlovskikh (CIRES/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Investigating the Transport of Stratospheric Ozone into the Troposphere During the Severe Weather Outbreak of 15-20 April 2011
Presenter: Brianna Salazar (Mississippi State University/GML)
08:30 – 12:20 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Ensuring Consistent Surface Spectral Albedo Measurements for Evaluation of Land-surface Changes
Presenter: Hagen Telg (CIRES/GML)
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Updates on Constraining Global Methane Budget Using Methane Isotopes
Presenter: Xin Lan (CIRES/GML)
14:10 – 14:20 EST, 151 A (Washington Convention Center)
Multi-Decadal Re-Analysis of the Global Methane Budget, is it Useful for Policy?
Presenter: Lori Bruhwiler
14:10 – 14:20 EST, 144 A-C (Washington Convention Center)
Seasonal Variation in U.S. Methane Emissions
Presenter: Lei Hu
14:40 – 14:50 EST, 151 A (Washington Convention Center)
A first look at CO2 data from the National Observations of Greenhouse gases Aircraft Profiles (NOGAP) campaign
Presenter: Jeff Peischl (CIRES/GML)
15:30–15:40 EST, 144 A-C (Washington Convention Center)
Friday, December 13
Methane Emission Feedbacks from Natural Systems: Reducing Uncertainties from the Tropics to the Poles I Oral
Session Co-convener: Youmi Oh (CIRES/GML)
08:30 - 10:00 EST, 151 A (Washington Convention Center)
Estimating the Methane Soil Sink Using Knowledge-guided Machine Learning
Presenter: Chris Smith (CIRES/GML)
08:30 - 08:40 EST, 150 B (Washington Convention Center)
Stable isotopes of carbon in atmospheric methane suggest strong increases in microbial methane emissions between 2020-2022
Presenter: Sylvia Michel (GML Associate)
09:50 - 10:00 EST, 152 B (Washington Convention Center)
Methane Emission Feedbacks from Natural Systems: Reducing Uncertainties from the Tropics to the Poles II
Poster Session Co-convener: Youmi Oh (CIRES/GML)
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
A Community Effort to Harmonize Natural Methane Datasets using Knowledge Guided Machine Learning
Presenter: Youmi Oh (CIRES/GML)
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Atmospheric methane variability through the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation mainly controlled by tropical sources
Presenter: Benjamin Riddell-Young (CIRES/GML)
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
New insights into the global methane budget from measurements of atmospheric δD-CH4
Presenter: Benjamin Riddell-Young (CIRES/GML)
13:40 – 17:30 EST, Hall B-C Poster Hall (Washington Convention Center)
Upper Troposphere, Stratosphere, and Mesosphere: Chemistry, Dynamics, Transport, and Radiation VI Oral
Session Co-chair: Irina V Petropavlovskikh (CIRES/GML)
16:00 - 17:30 EST, Ballroom C (Washington Convention Center)
NOAA AirCore Program development over the past decade: new sampling techniques, analysis methods and observations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
Presenter: Bianca Baier
16:10 – 16:20 EST, Ballroom C (Washington Convention Center)
For more information, contact Karin Vergoth, GML Communications: