GML’s Laura Riihimaki Appointed Project Manager of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network

Laura Riihimaki, a scientist in NOAA’s Global Monitoring Laboratory, has been appointed as Project Manager of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN), leading international efforts to make long-term, high-quality surface radiation budget measurements.
The BSRN sets standards and provides high-quality radiation measurements for the evaluation of satellite data sets and climate models and trend analysis. By enhancing the quality of surface measurements, the BSRN also helps to develop basic research in various aspects of atmospheric radiation, including the effects of aerosols and cloud-radiation feedbacks.
The BSRN project leader fosters interactions among the participating sites and works toward expanding the network and improving state-of-the-art radiative flux measurements. The term of the position is three years, with the possibility of one three-year extension.
Developed originally as a World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) project, the BSRN reports to the Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project (GEWEX). The BSRN was also endorsed in 2004 by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and its sponsors as the GCOS Global Baseline Surface Radiation Network.