What’s in the Air: How NOAA monitors Greenhouse Gases in Our Atmosphere
The What’s in the Air video is a 13 minute look at the atmospheric monitoring efforts being put forth by NOAA’s Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases group, located in Boulder, Colorado, and their partners across the globe.
Created by Jacquelyn Topp, 2009 Ernst F. Hollings Scholar
Special Thanks goes to the following individuals for their help in creating this video…
Pieter Tans
James Salzman
Kirk Thoning
Gabrielle Petron
Pat Lang
Lori Bruhwiler
Sonja Wolter
John Williams
Jonathan Kofler
Tom Conway
Sylvia Englund
Ryan Vachon
In addition, I would like to thank all of the members of the Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases group for their input and suggestions.
**This video was made possible by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Ernst F. Hollings scholarship through a grant awarded to Oak Ridge Associated Universities.