Standard Reference Gases: Calibration Results - JSON Format

Calibration results are available in JSON format. This format will allow the user to download and save the results as a file, which can be used for further analysis. The results will be formatted like:

        "fill_code": "A",
        "serial_number": "CA06244",
        "date": "2005-07-06",
        "time": "12:21:00",
        "parameter": "CO2",
        "value": 403.091,
        "std._dev.": 0.022,
        "num_samples": 3,
        "type": "NDIR",
        "scale": "CO2_X2019",
        "instrument_code": "S5",
        "tank_pressure": 2000,
        "flag": "."

This shows the results of a single calibration. There would be multiple sections enclosed by curly braces {} for results with more than 1 calibration.

Using the results

Programming languages most likely have a mechanism for reading json formatted data (see the website for links to appropriate software). For example, in python, the 'json' package can be used to read in and decode a json formatted file.

import json

f = open("CA06244.json")
data = json.load(f)
for row in data:
	for k in row:
                print("%8s" % row[k], end=" ")
which would result in:

	A  CA06244 2005-07-06 12:21:00      CO2  403.091    0.022        3     NDIR CO2_X2007       S5     2000        .
	A  CA06244 2005-07-08 12:13:00      CO2  403.169    0.009        3     NDIR CO2_X2007       S5     2000        .
	A  CA06244 2005-07-11 13:46:00      CO2   403.15    0.009        3     NDIR CO2_X2007       S5     2000        .
	A  CA06244 2013-02-07 21:01:00      CO2  403.087     0.01        3     NDIR CO2_X2007       L9     1800        .
	A  CA06244 2013-02-09  0:51:00      CO2  403.093    0.005        3     NDIR CO2_X2007       L9     1800        .

Using the API

There is a web api that you can use to get results for tank calibrations from NOAA/GML CCL website without filling in the web page form. The main URL is

NOTE: For CO2 results in the older CO2_X2007 scale, use the url

There are 3 options to include in the URL, 'sn=serial number', 'gas=co2', 'format=json', e.g.

will return json CO2 data for tank CC71623. The 'sn=' option is required, and the 'format=json' is required to get the json format, otherwise you'll get an html formatted response. The 'gas=' part is optional, if not included results for all gases will be returned.

For example, you can use the 'wget' program to retrieve and save calibration results:

 wget -O tst.json "" 

which places the results in a file called 'tst.json'