# header_lines : 170 # # ------------------------------------------------------------->>>> # DATA SET NAME # # dataset_name: h2_abp_surface-flask_1_ccgg_event # # ------------------------------------------------------------->>>> # DESCRIPTION # # dataset_description: Atmospheric Hydrogen Dry Air Mole Fractions from the NOAA GML Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network, starting in 2009 # # ------------------------------------------------------------->>>> # CITATION # # dataset_citation: Petron, G., Crotwell, A.M., Madronich, M., Moglia, E., Baugh, K.E., Kitzis, D., Mefford, T., DeVogel, S., Neff, D., Lan, X., Crotwell, M.J., Thoning, K., Wolter, S., Mund, J.W., (2024), Atmospheric Hydrogen Dry Air Mole Fractions from the NOAA GML Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network, 2009-2023, Version: 2024-07-30, https://doi.org/10.15138/WP0W-EZ08 # # ------------------------------------------------------------->>>> # FAIR USE POLICY # # dataset_fair_use: These data are made freely available to the public and the scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights. To ensure that GML receives fair credit for their work please include relevant citation text in publications. We encourage users to contact the data providers, who can provide detailed information about the measurements and scientific insight. In cases where the data are central to a publication, coauthorship for data providers may be appropriate. # # ------------------------------------------------------------->>>> # WARNING # # dataset_warning: Every effort is made to produce the most accurate and precise measurements possible. However, we reserve the right to make corrections to the data based on recalibration of standard gases or for other reasons deemed scientifically justified. We are not responsible for results and conclusions based on use of these data without regard to this warning. # # ------------------------------------------------------------->>>> # GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES # # site_code : ABP # site_name : Arembepe, Bahia # site_country : Brazil # site_country_flag : https://gml.noaa.gov/webdata/ccgg/ObsPack/images/flags/BRAZ0001.GIF # site_latitude : -12.77 # site_longitude : -38.17 # site_elevation : 1.0 # site_elevation_unit : masl # site_position_comment : This is the nominal location of the site. The sampling location at many sites has changed over time, and we report here the most recent nominal location. The actual sampling location for each observation is not necessarily the site location. The sampling locations for each observation are reported in the latitude, longitude, and altitude variables. # site_utc2lst : -3.0 # site_utc2lst_comment : Add 'site_utc2lst' hours to convert a time stamp in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to LST (Local Standard Time). # dataset_creation_date : 2024-07-30T12:28:29.548865 # dataset_num : 1 # dataset_name : h2_abp_surface-flask_1_ccgg_event # dataset_parameter : h2 # dataset_parameter_name : Molecular Hydrogen # dataset_parameter_industrial_name : Molecular Hydrogen # dataset_project : surface-flask # dataset_platform : fixed # dataset_selection : event # dataset_selection_tag : event # dataset_comment : For more information about these data, please see https://gml.noaa.gov/aftp/data/trace_gases/h2/flask/README_h2_surface-flask_ccgg.html # dataset_calibration_scale : H2_X2009 # dataset_start_date : 2009-08-16T15:18:00Z # dataset_stop_date : 2010-01-13T17:42:00Z # dataset_usage_description : Please cite the product's citation when using data from this dataset. Relevant literature references for this dataset are listed below for convenience. # dataset_provider_license : These data were produced by NOAA and are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. NOAA waives any potential copyright and related rights in these data worldwide through the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0-1.0). # dataset_reference_total_listed : 2 # dataset_reference_1_name : Novelli, P.C., K.A. Masarie, and P.M. Lang, Molecular hydrogen in the troposhere: Global distributions and budget, J. Geophys Res., 104, 30,427-30,444, 1999. # dataset_reference_2_name : Novelli, P.C., Crotwell, A.M., and Hall, B.D, Application of Gas Chromatography with a Pulsed Discharge Helium Ionization Detector for Measurements of Molecular Hydrogen in the Atmosphere, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 2431-2436. # dataset_contribution : These data are provided by NOAA. Principal investigators include Gabrielle Petron (NOAA). Key partners include Luciana V. Gatti (INPE) AND Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN). # lab_total_listed : 1 # lab_1_number : 1 # lab_1_abbr : NOAA # lab_1_name : NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory # lab_1_address1 : 325 Broadway # lab_1_address2 : NOAA R/GML-1 # lab_1_address3 : Boulder, CO 80305-3328 # lab_1_country : United States # lab_1_url : https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/ # lab_1_parameter : Lab has contributed measurements for: h2 # lab_1_country_flag : https://gml.noaa.gov/webdata/ccgg/ObsPack/images/flags/UNST0001.GIF # lab_1_logo : https://gml.noaa.gov/webdata/ccgg/ObsPack/images/logos/noaa_medium.png # lab_1_ongoing_atmospheric_air_comparison : T # provider_total_listed : 1 # provider_1_name : Gabrielle Petron # provider_1_address1 : NOAA GML # provider_1_address2 : 325 Broadway R/GML-1 # provider_1_address3 : Boulder, CO 80305-3328 # provider_1_country : United States # provider_1_affiliation : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration # provider_1_email : Gabrielle.Petron@noaa.gov # provider_1_tel : (720) 295-0145 # provider_1_parameter : Provider has contributed measurements for: h2 # partner_total_listed : 2 # partner_1_name : Luciana V. Gatti # partner_1_abbr : INPE # partner_1_address1 : National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Center of Terrestrial System Science (CCST) # partner_1_address2 : Greenhouse Gas Laboratory (LaGEE) # partner_1_address3 : Av. dos Astronautas, 1758, Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL # partner_1_country : Brazil # partner_1_parameter : Partner of measurements for: h2 # partner_1_affiliation : National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Center of Terrestrial System Science (CCST), Greenhouse Gas Laboratory (LaGEE) # partner_1_email : lvgatti@gmail.com # partner_1_tel : 55 (12) 3208-7779 # partner_2_name : Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares # partner_2_abbr : IPEN # partner_2_address1 : Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory # partner_2_address2 : Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2242, Cidade Universitaria, Sao Paulo # partner_2_address3 : CEP 05508-900 # partner_2_country : Brazil # partner_2_parameter : Lab has contributed measurements for: h2 # partner_2_country_flag : https://gml.noaa.gov/webdata/ccgg/ObsPack/images/flags/BRAZ0001.GIF # partner_2_logo : https://gml.noaa.gov/webdata/ccgg/ObsPack/images/logos/ipen_medium.png # ------------------------------------------------------------->>>> # VARIABLE ATTRIBUTES # # site_code:long_name : site_name_abbreviation. # site_code:comment : Site code is an abbreviation for the sampling site name. # time_components:_FillValue : -9 # time_components:long_name : integer_components_of_UTC_date/time # time_components:order : year, month, day, hour, minute, second # time_components:comment : Calendar time components as integers. Times and dates are UTC. Time-averaged values are reported at the start of the averaging interval. # datetime:long_name : air_sample_date_and_time_in_UTC # datetime:comment : Air sample date and time in UTC ISO 8601 format. Time-averaged values are reported at the start of the averaging interval. # time_decimal:_FillValue : -999.999 # time_decimal:long_name : sample_decimal_year_in_UTC # time_decimal:comment : decimal year in UTC. Time-averaged values are reported at the start of the averaging interval. # air_sample_container_id:long_name : Air_Sample_Container_ID # air_sample_container_id:comment : ID of air sample container. See provider_comment if available. # value:_FillValue : -999.999 # value:long_name : measured_mole_fraction_of_trace_gas_in_dry_air # value:units : nanomol mol-1 # value:comment : Mole fraction reported in units of nanomol mol-1 (10-9 mol per mol of dry air); abbreviated as ppb (parts per billion). # value:scale_comment : H2_X2009 # value_unc:_FillValue : -999.999 # value_unc:long_name : estimated_uncertainty_in_reported_value # value_unc:units : nanomol mol-1 # value_unc:comment : This is the estimated uncertainty of the reported value. See provider_comment if available. # latitude:_FillValue : -999.999 # latitude:standard_name : latitude # latitude:long_name : sample_latitude_in_decimal_degrees # latitude:units : degrees_north # latitude:comment : Latitude at which air sample was collected. # longitude:_FillValue : -999.999 # longitude:standard_name : longitude # longitude:long_name : sample_longitude_in_decimal_degrees # longitude:units : degrees_east # longitude:comment : Longitude at which air sample was collected using a range of -180 degrees to +180 degrees. # altitude:_FillValue : -999.999 # altitude:standard_name : altitude # altitude:long_name : sample_altitude_in_meters_above_sea_level # altitude:units : m # altitude:comment : Altitude (in meters above sea level). See provider_comment if available. # altitude:provider_comment : Altitude for this dataset is the sum of surface elevation (masl) and sample intake height (magl). # elevation:_FillValue : -999.999 # elevation:standard_name : elevation # elevation:long_name : surface_elevation_in_meters_above_sea_level # elevation:units : m # elevation:comment : Surface elevation in meters above sea level. See provider_comment if available. # intake_height:_FillValue : -999.999 # intake_height:long_name : sample_intake_height_in_meters_above_ground_level # intake_height:units : m # intake_height:comment : Sample intake height in meters above ground level (magl). See provider_comment if available. # method:long_name : air_sample_collection_method # method:comment : Air sample collection method. See provider_comment if available. # method:provider_comment : A single-character code is used to identify the sample collection method. The codes are: P - Sample collected using a portable, battery powered pumping unit. Two flasks are connected in series, flushed with air, and then pressurized to 1.2 - 1.5 times ambient pressure. D - Similar to P but the air passes through a condenser cooled to about 5 deg C to partially dry the sample. G - Similar to D but with a gold-plated condenser. T - Evacuated flask filled by opening an O-ring sealed stopcock. S - Flasks filled at NOAA GML observatories by sampling air from the in situ CO2 measurement air intake system. N - Before 1981, flasks filled using a hand-held aspirator bulb. After 1981, flasks filled using a pump different from those used in method P, D, or G. F - Five liter evacuated flasks filled by opening a ground glass, greased stopcock # event_number:long_name : Unique_Air_Sample_Event_Number # event_number:comment : Identifies each discrete air sample collected at some time and location with a unique sample event number. The event number (reported as a string) can be used to relate measurements of different trace gases and isotopes from the same sample. # instrument:long_name : instrument_ID_to_detect_atmospheric_parameter # instrument:comment : Instrument ID used to detect atmospheric parameter. See provider_comment if available. # analysis_datetime:long_name : air_sample_measurement_date_and_time_in_LT # analysis_datetime:comment : Air sample measurement date and time in LT. See provider_comment if available. # qcflag:long_name : quality_control_flag # qcflag:comment : This quality control flag is provided by the contributing PIs. See provider_comment if available. # qcflag:provider_comment : This is the NOAA 3-character quality control flag. Column 1 is the REJECTION flag. An alphanumeric other than a period (.) in the FIRST column indicates a sample with obvious problems during collection or analysis. This measurement should not be interpreted. Column 2 is the SELECTION flag. An alphanumeric other than a period (.) in the SECOND column indicates a sample that is likely valid but does not meet selection criteria determined by the goals of a particular investigation. For example, it might not have been obtained during 'background' conditions. Column 3 is the INFORMATION flag. An alphanumeric other than a period (.) in the THIRD column provides additional information about the collection or analysis of the sample. A P in the 3rd column of the QC flag indicates the measurement result is preliminary and has not yet been carefully examined by the PI. The P flag is removed once the quality of the measurement has been determined. # # VARIABLE ORDER # site_code year month day hour minute second datetime time_decimal air_sample_container_id value value_unc latitude longitude altitude elevation intake_height method event_number instrument analysis_datetime qcflag ABP 2009 8 16 15 18 0 2009-08-16T15:18:00Z 2009.6236643835616 213-99 540.27 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286346 H8 2009-11-20T12:50:00 ... ABP 2009 8 16 15 18 0 2009-08-16T15:18:00Z 2009.6236643835616 214-99 540.13 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286345 H8 2009-11-20T13:05:00 ... ABP 2009 8 23 15 23 0 2009-08-23T15:23:00Z 2009.642851978691 4943-99 543.28 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286347 H8 2009-11-20T13:21:00 ... ABP 2009 8 23 15 23 0 2009-08-23T15:23:00Z 2009.642851978691 4944-99 543.73 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286348 H8 2009-11-20T13:36:00 ... ABP 2009 8 30 16 42 0 2009-08-30T16:42:00Z 2009.6621803652968 1842-99 543.49 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286354 H8 2009-11-18T14:17:00 ... ABP 2009 8 30 16 42 0 2009-08-30T16:42:00Z 2009.6621803652968 3385-99 544.42 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286353 H8 2009-11-18T14:01:00 ... ABP 2009 9 5 14 50 0 2009-09-05T14:50:00Z 2009.678405631659 2544-99 553.97 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286355 H8 2009-11-18T14:32:00 ... ABP 2009 9 5 14 50 0 2009-09-05T14:50:00Z 2009.678405631659 99-99 553.86 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286356 H8 2009-11-18T14:47:00 ... ABP 2009 9 14 15 59 0 2009-09-14T15:59:00Z 2009.7031944444445 3700-99 541.17 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286352 H8 2009-11-20T14:38:00 ... ABP 2009 9 14 15 59 0 2009-09-14T15:59:00Z 2009.7031944444445 589-99 542.47 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286351 H8 2009-11-20T14:22:00 ... ABP 2009 9 20 15 36 0 2009-09-20T15:36:00Z 2009.7195890410958 3155-99 548.96 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286349 H8 2009-11-20T13:52:00 ... ABP 2009 9 20 15 36 0 2009-09-20T15:36:00Z 2009.7195890410958 3374-99 548.81 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286350 H8 2009-11-20T14:07:00 ... ABP 2009 9 27 14 43 0 2009-09-27T14:43:00Z 2009.738666286149 4771-99 554.07 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286798 H8 2009-12-01T12:42:00 ... ABP 2009 9 27 14 43 0 2009-09-27T14:43:00Z 2009.738666286149 4772-99 555.13 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286799 H8 2009-12-01T12:57:00 ... ABP 2009 10 4 15 37 0 2009-10-04T15:37:00Z 2009.757947108067 971-99 539.72 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286800 H8 2009-12-01T11:40:00 ... ABP 2009 10 4 15 37 0 2009-10-04T15:37:00Z 2009.757947108067 972-99 540.59 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286801 H8 2009-12-01T11:56:00 ... ABP 2009 10 10 14 57 0 2009-10-10T14:57:00Z 2009.7743093607305 2181-99 546.54 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286794 H8 2009-12-01T10:33:00 ... ABP 2009 10 10 14 57 0 2009-10-10T14:57:00Z 2009.7743093607305 2182-99 547.3 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286795 H8 2009-12-01T10:48:00 ... ABP 2009 10 18 15 22 0 2009-10-18T15:22:00Z 2009.7962747336378 2017-99 546.95 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286796 H8 2009-12-01T10:02:00 ... ABP 2009 10 18 15 22 0 2009-10-18T15:22:00Z 2009.7962747336378 2018-99 546.86 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 286797 H8 2009-12-01T10:18:00 ... ABP 2009 11 9 15 43 0 2009-11-09T15:43:00Z 2009.8565886605784 1169-99 553.22 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 288342 H8 2010-01-12T12:41:00 ... ABP 2009 11 9 15 43 0 2009-11-09T15:43:00Z 2009.8565886605784 1170-99 553.7 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 288343 H8 2010-01-12T12:56:00 ... ABP 2009 11 15 12 34 56 2009-11-15T12:34:56Z 2009.87266920345 2251-99 551.23 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 288340 H8 2010-01-12T13:12:00 ... ABP 2009 11 15 12 34 56 2009-11-15T12:34:56Z 2009.87266920345 2252-99 551.54 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 288341 H8 2010-01-12T13:27:00 ... ABP 2009 11 23 17 59 0 2009-11-23T17:59:00Z 2009.8952035768646 2659-99 550.62 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 288338 H8 2010-01-12T12:10:00 ... ABP 2009 11 23 17 59 0 2009-11-23T17:59:00Z 2009.8952035768646 2660-99 549.81 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 288339 H8 2010-01-12T12:26:00 ... ABP 2009 11 29 14 58 0 2009-11-29T14:58:00Z 2009.911297564688 4205-99 552.14 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 288336 H8 2010-01-12T11:40:00 ... ABP 2009 11 29 14 58 0 2009-11-29T14:58:00Z 2009.911297564688 4206-99 551.51 1.985 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 288337 H8 2010-01-12T11:55:00 ... ABP 2009 12 13 16 53 0 2009-12-13T16:53:00Z 2009.9498725266362 2171-99 549.25 2.818 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 290133 H8 2010-02-22T14:04:00 ... ABP 2009 12 13 16 53 0 2009-12-13T16:53:00Z 2009.9498725266362 2172-99 548.49 2.818 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 290134 H8 2010-02-22T14:19:00 ... ABP 2009 12 22 17 56 0 2009-12-22T17:56:00Z 2009.9746499238965 6215-66 549.58 2.818 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 290135 H8 2010-02-22T13:33:00 C.. ABP 2009 12 22 17 56 0 2009-12-22T17:56:00Z 2009.9746499238965 6216-66 546.91 2.818 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 290136 H8 2010-02-22T13:49:00 ... ABP 2010 1 4 15 28 0 2010-01-04T15:28:00Z 2010.0099847792999 1257-99 547.76 2.818 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 290131 H8 2010-02-22T12:32:00 ... ABP 2010 1 4 15 28 0 2010-01-04T15:28:00Z 2010.0099847792999 1258-99 547.69 2.818 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 290132 H8 2010-02-22T12:47:00 ... ABP 2010 1 13 17 42 0 2010-01-13T17:42:00Z 2010.034897260274 1395-99 548.2 2.818 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 290129 H8 2010-02-22T13:03:00 ... ABP 2010 1 13 17 42 0 2010-01-13T17:42:00Z 2010.034897260274 1396-99 548.57 2.818 -12.77 -38.17 6.0 1.0 5.0 G 290130 H8 2010-02-22T13:18:00 ...