One of the configuration files used by data.aggregate.upload. It is located in $DB/etc/$STATION/upload.$STATION.$TYPE.conf or in the default location $DB/etc/upload.$TYPE.conf. If the station specific file does not exist then the default one is used. The type is an argument given to data.aggregate.upload.
BND's automated WDCA submission is defined in $DB/etc/upload.nilu_wdca.bnd.conf and looks like:
EBAS:neph_L0_cut,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd EBAS:neph_L1_cut,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd EBAS:neph_L2_cut,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd EBAS:psap_L0_cut,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd EBAS:psap_L1_cut,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd EBAS:psap_L2_cut,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd EBAS:cpc_L0,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd EBAS:cpc_L1,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd EBAS:cpc_L2,gzftp://gaw-wdca.nilu.no/incoming,anonymous,aerosol@gmd
This defines all the data being submitted and the submission URL. The “neph…” and similar lines are references to configurations defined in the ebas configuration directory. A file of this type is sufficient for most stations submitting data.
Lines beginning with '#' are treated as comments.
The generator specification, consisting of fields seperated by “:” or “;”. The first field is the generator type, one of:
- EBAS - Calls data.aggregate.ebas for the second field as the record type.
- AMES - Calls data.aggregate.ames for the second field as the record type.
The target base URL to upload to, for example: “ftp://upload.location.net/directory/target” generally any upload scheme supported by curl (1) is supported. The URL should point to the final target directory to place data into.
If the URL begins with “gz” then special handling is used: first the “gz” is removed from the start of the URL then all files that would have been sent are first run through gzip (thus adding a “.gz” extension to them in addition to compressing them).
The user name to pass to curl.
The password to pass to curl.