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data.segmentation.get is the interface to retrieve station segmentation. data.segmentation.get takes a specification of the archives desired and the start and end times. It will retrieve all comments affecting that time period (including ones that may originate or end outside of it). A segment consists of a type (“flight” for example) and data (“20000 feet”).

Command Line Usage

data.segmentation.get [--time-yeardoy] [--time-iso] [station] start end [types]


start and end

The time specifiers for the data to be retrieved. Start is inclusive while end is exclusive, so all segments intersecting within the half open interval [start,end) will be returned. Any convertible time format is accepted. Additionally either or both can be “none” to denote positive or negative infinity (all time up until or after).


The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.


List of types to get segments for, defaulting to all types. Multiple archives types may be separated by ”,”, ”;” or ”:”. Note that this is a single argument and that spaces are not allowed.


Output times in Year:DOY format.


Output times in ISO 8601 format.


All output is to standard output. The format is a series of comma separated lines, each representing a single segment.


start and end

The start and end of this segment in epoch time. If the field is null (zero length), then that parameter does not apply, so a null start with a valid end indicates all data up until (but excluding) the end time. Likewise a null end but a defined start is all data including and after the start. Both being defined is the half-open interval of time [start,end). Both null defines all time.


Segment type.


Segment data, interpretation depends on the segment type.

Example Usage

All flight segments for a given time

data.segmentation.get aao 2008:10 2008:20 flight

All segments before a given time

data.segmentation.get sgp none 2008:20