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data.process.psap_recalculate recalculates PSAP transmittance and L values needed for CTS. This performs an “offline” calculation of the transmittance and verifies that it remains within the known good instrument transmittance. It can also perform a transmittance recalculation from intensities (needed for a now fixed CPD2 bug).

Command Line Usage

data.process.psap_recalculate [--trintensities] [--adcoff=N] 
                              station instrument start end


start and end

The time specifiers for the data to be retrieved. Start is inclusive while end is exclusive, so all data contained within the half open interval [start,end) will be returned. Any convertible time format is accepted.


The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.


The instrument code to process for. For example “A11”.


Recalculate transmittances from intensities. This is used to work around a now fixed bug in CPD2's intensity calculation from the PSAP3W data.


Apply an offset of N to the PSAP intensity data before transmittance calculation. This is used to work around a now fixed bug in CPD2's intensity calculation from the PSAP3W data where it should be 4096.


Transmittance and sample length recalculation requires filter segments to be available (in the form of ${INSTRUMENT}_filter, e.x. “A11_filter”). It can also use ${INSTRUMENT}_spot segmentation to set the true spot sizes (the parameter should be the area in m^2) and ${INSTRUMENT}_rawparams to set the spot sizes and Weiss parameters used in the raw data (in order, the area in m^2 then the Weiss “A” and “B” values).

Example Usage

data.process.psap_recalculate bnd A11 2003 3w