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data.lowpass applies a digital filter to data. This is generally a single pole low pass filter.

Command Line Usage

data.lowpass [--t=3] [--a=1,2...] [--b=1,2...] [--gap=1860] 
             [--nocut] [variables]



A list of variables (as regular expressions) to apply the filter to. The default is all variables that have decimal (not strictly integer) values and are no flags.


Set the filter to a single pole low pass digital filter with the given “time constant”. The time constant is the number of points for the filter to reach ~67% of the final value after a step change.

The default is a filter with a time constant of three.


Set the “A” constants for a general digital filter. These are the coefficients applied to the unsmoothed data, with the most recent first.


Set the “B” constants for a general digital filter. These are the coefficients applied to the smoothed data values, with the most recent (the prior point) first.


Set the gap detection threshold in seconds. If there is a gap between points longer than this value the filter is reset.


Disable separate smoothers for each cut size.

Example Usage

A single pole low pass filter with a time constant of three

data.get bnd S11a 2010:1 2010:2 | data.lowpass

A single pole low pass filter with a time constant of five

data.get bnd S11a 2010:1 2010:2 | data.lowpass

A one pole, four pass digital filter

data.get bnd S11a 2010:1 2010:2 | data.lowpass --a=0.191534592419177 --b="1.353805290698;-0.687295786920706;0.155077445434616;-0.013121541631082"