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data.fortimebins runs a handler once for each bin of time within a range.

Command Line Usage

data.forallstations [--noalign] interval start program arguments


The program and arguments are passed directly to the “system” call in Perl, so they may either consist of a single argument with multiple space separated string to be passed to the shell or multiple arguments each passed as a separate argument with the first being the program name. In both cases the strings “${START}”, “${END}” and “${NUMBER}” are replaced with the epoch start, end and bin index (starting at 1), respectively.


The binning interval. This may an exact amount of time in either seconds, an integer and a multiplier (one of “d” for days, “h” for hours, “m” for minutes or “s” for seconds, e.x. “15m” for 15 minutes), or a special time range. Special time ranges imply alignment to the relevant boundary. The following are valid:

  • year - Yearly averages
  • quarter - Standard quarter
  • month or m - Monthly
  • week - Weekly
  • day or d - Daily
  • hour or h - Hourly
  • minute - One minute

If a special time range is not given and alignment is enabled (that is, the noalign flag is not used), then if the interval is greater divisible by one day the starting day boundary, if it is divisible by one hour to the hour boundary, divisible by a minute to that boundary, otherwise it is not aligned. Special time ranges are always aligned.

start and end

Start is inclusive while end is exclusive. The bins are clipped to these boundaries even if the start and/or end would be exceeded. Any convertible time format is accepted.


Disable bin alignment as described above.

Example Usage

Reupload WDCA data

data.fortimebins year 1994 2010 data.aggregate.upload nilu_wdca bnd '${START}' '${END}'

Reupload NRT data

data.fortimebins hour 2010:50 2010:52 data.aggregate.upload nilu_nrt bnd '${START}' '${END}'