data.edit.mentor.get is the interface by which external programs can retrieve the mentor edits for a station. For the specification and meanings of these edits see data.mentor.edit. data.edit.mentor.get use a specification of the records desired and the start and stop time of the interested interval. It will retrieve all edits that can affect that interval (including ones that may originate or end outside of it).
Command Line Usage
data.edit.mentor.get [--nomodified] [station] start end [records]
start and end
The time specifiers edits to be generated. Start is inclusive while end is exclusive, so all edits intersecting within the half open interval [start,end) will be returned. Any convertible time format is accepted.
The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.
The cpd2 record type to be retrieved. For example: 'S11a'. Case sensitive. Multiple record types may be separated by ”,”, ”;” or ”:”. The results will be interwoven in time. Note that this is a single argument and that spaces are not allowed.
Don't output the modified field. This option exists to facilitate usage with data.edit.mentor.modify.
Output times in Year:DOY format.
Output times in ISO 8601 format.
Output is a series of suggested edits (one per line) of form:
start and end
The start and end of this edit in epoch time. If the field is null (zero length), then that parameter does not apply, so a null start with a valid end indicates all data up until (but excluding) the end time. Likewise a null end but a defined start is all data including and after the start. Both being defined is the half-open interval of time [start,end). Both null defines all time.
Record type this edit is applied to, may be null to apply to all records. May not contain more than one record type (that is represented by multiple lines).
type and params
Edit type and parameters.
Time when this edit was last modified. Not present if the nomodified switch is used.
String (initials) of the author of this edit.
Notes about this edit.
Example Usage
data.edit.mentor.get sgp 2008:10 2008:20