data.edit.get creates an edited record from raw data. It will create edited data from the raw data by passing it through a series of filter programs and finally returning the output. It may require more raw records as inputs than the requested record, but they will not be returned in the output stream. The normal invocation is done by data.get with an source of “edited”.
The series of programs called is defined by edit.filters.conf.
Command Line Usage
data.edit.get [--exclude=] [--filters=file] station records start end
start and end
The time specifiers for the data to be retrieved. Start is inclusive while end is exclusive, so all data contained within the half open interval [start,end) will be returned. Any convertible time format is accepted.
The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.
The cpd2 record type to be retrieved. For example: 'S11a'. Case sensitive. Multiple record types may be separated by “,”, “;” or “:”. The results will be interwoven in time. Note that this is a single argument and that spaces are not allowed.
Exclude any filters matching the pattern (can be specified multiple times) from the list of filters being applied. Treated as regular expression.
Specify an alternate filters definition file instead of the edit.filters.conf in the standard location.
Example Usage
Single record
data.edit.get sgp S11a 2008:10 2008:11
Multiple records
data.edit.get bnd S11a,A11a 2003W02 2003W03
Excluding correction programs
To exclude standard corrections (leaving mentor edits, programmatic corrections done via data.edit.corr, and dilution (if enabled)):
data.edit.get --exclude=data.edit.standard_corr sgp S11a 2008:10 2008:11
To exclude all corrections except mentor edits:
data.edit.get --exclude='^(?!data.edit.mentor).+$' sgp S11a 2008:10 2008:11