data.edit.corr.aeth_stp adjusts aethalometer data to STP. It assumes it was measured at ambient conditions and adjusts accordingly. It requires that the pressure and temperature be specified either as measured variables or as constant values.
data.edit.corr.aeth_stp can operate as either an independent filter (provided the correct input is given) or as part of the correction chain
Command Line Usage
data.edit.corr.aeth_stp [--input=A11] [--t=...] [--p=...] [--pdrop=...] [var1 ... varN]
Specify what instrument or record base to use as the input, instead of trying to match what's available. Required if the input stream is ambiguous.
Set the temperature of the measurement. May be either a constant value or a measured variable in the data stream.
Set the pressure of the measurement. May be either a constant value or a measured variable in the data stream.
Set the drop from ambient that the –p switch has. This value is added to the –p value to get the ambient pressure. May be either a constant value or a measured variable in the data stream. Defaults to zero (no drop).
var1 ... varN
Set the variables to correct. Defaults to any available absorptions and flows.
Example Usage
data.get mlo A81a,S11a,X1a 2010:1 1d | data.edit.corr.aeth_stp --p=P_S11 --pdrop=Pd_P11 --t=T_S11