data.coverage.plots generates monthly coverage plots for the given variables between the given time ranges. It functions like data.coverage except that it generates plots in the current directory as output instead of an ASCII report.
Command Line Usage
data.coverage.plots [--records=R11a,R21a,...] [--stdin] [--source=raw] [station] [start end] [var1 ... varN]
start and end
The time specifiers for the data to be retrieved. Start is inclusive while end is exclusive, so all data contained within the half open interval [start,end) will be returned. Any convertible time format is accepted. Absent when reading from standard input.
The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.
var1 ... varN
List of variables to inspect, one specifier per argument (space separated). Optional if records are set (below), if absent in that case then defaulting to all variables contained in those records. Accepts regular expression matches, wrapped in “^variable$”. NOTE: Regular expression matched variables tend to be very slow to query if records are not set.
List of records to query. When present only these records are queried even if the variables list above would match more or would not match them at all.
Read from standard input, records and variable specifications are optional if present. If records or variables are set then they are used to filter the output.
Set the archive to query from when not reading from standard input, defaulting to raw.
Example Usage
Output is a series of png images (one per variable) in the current directory. See data.coverage for examples.