cpdinihistory generates a history report of cpd.ini for the given station. This report contains a section for calibration changes, constant assignment changes, and generic any data changing lines. The default inspection set contains all recognized uMAC channels in AEROSOL, the flow calibration in CNCs, the spot size and flow in PSAP/CLAP, and the flow rate in FILTERs.
Command Line Usage
cpdinihistory [--cal=heading,key] [--constant=heading,key] [--key=heading,key] [--filter] [--csv] [station] [start [end]]
The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.
start and end
The time range to inspect. Either may be “none” to ignore that bound. If both are omitted, inspects all available data.
Add a calibration to check, both the heading and key may be regular expressions. An example would be a flow calibration setting.
Add a constant assignment to check, both the heading and key may be regular expressions. An example would be a CPC flow rate setting or a analog channel assignment.
Add a generic heading/key pair to check, both the heading and key may be regular expressions. An example would be a PSAP display name.
Add all FILTER checking patterns.
Output in CSV format.
Example Usage
cpdinihistory --constant=PSAP3.*,Area_m2 bnd none 2008.25