CPD3 loggable instruments
The NOAA in-house software 'CPD' is able to log data from multiple instruments and from multiple instances of these instruments on the same computer. Data acquisition is done via serial port, with a serial hub being used if more than one instrument is installed. In some cases, data is transferred to the computer via ethernet (e.g., Thermo O3 49iQ).
- 2B Ozone Monitor model 205
- Aerodyne CAPS
- Aerosol Dynamics Magic CPC (water-based)
- BMI MCPCs: 1710, 1720
- BMI Tri-color Absorption Photometer (TAP)
- Campbell CR1000 with GML firmware
- Ecotech Aurora 3000 Nephelometer
- Handix POPS
- GML CLAP-3W and BMI TAP data
- GML pulse counter for 3760 CPCs
- Grimm OPC 110x
- Magee Aethalometer AE16, AE21, AE31 and AE33
- Magee Total Carbon Analyzer (TCA-08)
- Maycomm TDL
- PurpleAir 'particle counter' sensor
- Radiance Research M903 Nephelometer
- Radiance Research single and three wavelength PSAPs
- Thermo MAAP 5012
- Thermo ozone monitors: 49C, 49iQ
- TSI CPCs: 3010, 302x, 377x, 3781, 3783
- TSI Mass Flow Meters: 4xxx, 5xxx
- TSI 3563 Integrating Nephelometer
- Vaisala Present Weather Detectors: PWD12, PWD22, or PWD52
- Vaisala WXT520